- RESET -3 : turn off autojoin for rallies and stop doing rallies
- RESET -2 : gates to next area open and WE NEED YOU ! (yes you, I see you in the back)
- Acronyms : Combat Elite (CE); Master of Mechanics (MM) ; Power Stations (PS) ; World Boss (WB)
- Only alliance leaders (No5kill and R4 staff) will be giving out orders
- /!\ Alliance staff will decide if you are Team A or Team B. If you don't know, ask them /!\
- The designated fort builder will tell how many troops are needed and where.
- /!\ DO NOT start a mass rally. It is only for CEs in leader chat /!\
Tower Strategy: "Team A is to build and Team B is to distract"
Expected result : towers attacking PS and forts 
Team A (Strongest CE and MM)
- MM roles:
- Strengthening/weakening towers at levels 4-5 will be placed in power stations which will be decided by the leader (No5).
Call for CEs in chat for support on towers once close to finishing.
- CE roles:
- Support towers with full march when it has 1 minute left to built and stay until at least 2 towers are finished.
Should have another strong march for a mass rally on the enemies tower.
Team B (everybody else, other MMs and CEs):
- MM roles:
- The rest of MMs should place towers around the the egdes of power stations and support towers with a stack when needed.
Should pay attention for your own towers. Rebuild if demolished and support when close to completion.
- CE roles:
- Randomly attack all enemy towers.
Support the towers.
READ COMBAT ORDERS (as soon as they appear) and alliance rules (once in your life, please :)